Wednesday, June 11, 2008

BB News

This is a heads-up for everybody. Well, first off, BB Times will be turning boring soon. Since I'm running out of things to talk about, I think I'm going to make this like a reading journal and talk about my writing process. Yup, so boring stuff. Second thing, Ripsnorter is going to go bye-bye. Not exactly, but I'm going to get rid of it and go to Wordpress instead. I know, I know, it's a major change, but I going to probably call it "The Cloud Chronicle" (long story why, but anyhow, if you want to know, go ahead and contact me). As for DLP...I'm going to keep it for a bit, but I might move it to TCC, too, and have it as one of those private things. So, just to let you guys know. I'll post anymore new stuff. This will all probably go into effect...this Saturday at the earliest. Oh yeah, and on a last note, on Saturday I will also change the template and stuff on here. So major stuff coming. Prepare yourselves.

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