Wednesday, June 4, 2008

BB Updates!

There's going to be some new stuff coming to BB Times!!! At the end of MM2008, I'm going to (finally) put my Project Playlist on here. Several other new stuff:

***Layout--Yes, I think I will have a new layout, and I have an idea of which one it will be (from Pyzam). Stay tuned for it!

***Quote of the Week--I'm going to try to have a quote of the week on my header. It will be changed every Sunday afternoon (or Saturday night, depending on my schedule that week), and it will always be a very MOLDy quote I found from Goodreads or Wikiquote, like the one above.

***"Posh People's Brilliant Blogs"--Instead of putting your names, I'm going to put the title of your blog instead, and add some new ones. Some links on there will NOT be found on here. The reason is because I'm going to link review blogs to Ripsnorter, so don't freak out or get mad at me if you don't see your blog on here--most likely, it'll be on RR. Also, I think I'll be shortening the title to something like..."Posh Blogs". The word "posh" just sounds so...posh!

***"Awesome Authors"--that's just a tentative title for another new section. This will have links to my fave author's site, or at least list them (if they don't have a site). Though the title is tentative. Which is better: "Awesome Authors" or "Inspiring Authors"? Or should I do "writers" instead? Opinions, s'il vous plait!


Madison said...

The word "posh" always makes me think of The View from Saturday.

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Hm, I read the first page of that bk in 4th grade, but for some reason didn't continue. I think I was a bit confused, so I'm sure if I read it again, I would be. But I have read EL Konigsburg's other stuff (Mixed-up Files, 2nd Mrs. Gioconda). Have you read those?

Delaney said...

I love the word 'posh.' I have MOLD. And I'm exhausted. But I'm awake enough to be looking forward to the quotes of the week, and the new layout. :)

This MOLD business is taking over the world... or at least my house. Last night my sister and I were up till midnight reading (she was up later, finishing The City of Ember) when my mom had asked us to get our lights out earlier. Whoops...

Madison said...

I've read both of those and really liked them (especially from Mixed-Up Files), as well as T-Back, T-Shirt, COAT, and Suit' The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place; Silent to the Bone; and Up From Jericho Tel.

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Delaney: Me love MOLD. I was going to do add something about MOLD on the side, but I think I'm going to wait until I get the new layout.

Anilee: Hm, I haven't read those ones..."Mixed-Up Files" and "The Second Mrs. Gioconda" would be the only ones. I think I want to take up A View from Sat again.

Delaney said...

I think we need a MOLD blog that we all contribute something MOLDy to...

Anilee, I found The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place at the library today. The cover sparked my interest first, then the title. (It was on a rack, not a shelf.)

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

OHMIGOSH, DELANEY. I promise, you totally read my mind; I was totaly thinking that earlier this evening. We NEED a MOLD blog. Hey, we really should start one! (like I don't have enough blogs, but whatever) We could call it...MOLD Express. Or MOLD 4evr. Or MOLDy Bibliophiles. What do you think?

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Oh yeah, and, might I add, that we should so totally make that blog w/ 2 million authors. That would be AWEXOME. (never spelled awesome like that before, but it looks more awesome. ;) )

Delaney said...

Yayness. :D Start a thread on LRRH calling for suggestions. Maybe MOLDy Books? But that sounds like we don't take care of them...! :(

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

Hehe, oof, I should do that...but maybe not today. Tomorrow would be good; I'm in the middle of some importante work right now. (Bad BB, doing other things instead of work...;) )