Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MOLD Mania!!!

It seems I have this thing about the word "mania". Anyhow, new blog set up! MOLD4EVR is finally here. Woohoo! We've got some fantastic MOLDy readers on the blog (anime, Delaney, Anilee, Verity, Liz, ennagirl, Ina-Chan...and me!), and we'll always welcome some more MOLDy peoples. Having issues w/ MOLD? Come join us! Just e-mail or PM me on LRRH (if you are an LRRHer, which I'm sure--I think--all of you are), and let me know! NB that I will also need your e-mail. You can also contact one of those awesomely cool gals I mentioned above, since they are all admins and can add you in. Thanks! Check us out here: http://embracethemold.blogspot.com/.


Delaney said...

I'm awesomely cool! I? Awesomely cool? *feels special* :D

I'm going to be doing a MOLD post on my personal blog tomorrow, if all goes well.

Jacqueline (bookbutterfly) said...

You didn't know you're awesomely cool, Delaney? If you have MOLD you instantly become awesomely cool. And you were born w/ MOLD, so you were born awesomely cool.

Kairi said...

on second thought dont contact me to add peeps in cause i dont know how. *is slightly bogg ignorant*